Disability Africa is a new charity formed from individuals with many years of experience of working with, and developing services for, disabled young people and their families.
On September 8th 2011 we registered with The Charity Commission ( reg number 1143704 - check us out on the Charity Commission web site) to work with local people in African countries to help improve the lives of disabled young people and their families.
On this blog we'll be keeping you up to date with our projects and our partners. We'll try to share ideas and link you to the best thinking and practice we can find about Inclusive Development Projects.
We'll also use this space to be controversial and challenge ideas and, in turn, we welcome your comments - so long as they're polite :-)
Coming Soon:
Ric Law is visiting Gunjur in The Gambia from 25th Nov - 2nd December courtesy of our partners the Marlborough Brandt Group and during that time we will be meeting a range of Disabled People's Organisations and community leaders as well as disabled young people and their families. We hope that this will be the start of a long-term relationship which will lead to some strong partnerships and measurable changes to the lives of disabled children.
We'll let you know!