Our Inclusion Projects
Working in partnership with our in-country teams, Disability Africa COMBINEs advocacy AND AWARENESS RAISING WITH practical, community lead services to EFFECTIVELY end the exclusion of disabled children.
Harnessing the power of play, we deliver playschemes across Africa. Playschemes provide a safe space where disabled children come to socialize, learn, integrate with their community and access vital medical support. Disabled children learn through play and playschemes are often the most appropriate developmental and educational experience available. Our playschemes also break cycles of poverty by providing support to parents , and free childcare which enables them to work.
To demonstrate the wide reaching potential of our model, our first projects were developed in varying contexts across West, East and South Africa. We are currently operating in 3 countries; The Gambia, Kenya and Zambia.
Find out more about our projects in…
GUNJUR, THE GAMBIA - The Gunjur Inclusion Project
KAWAMA, ZAMBIA – Kawama Inclusion Project
MALANGA, KENYA – Malanga Inclusion Project
Since 2014 over 700 children have visited our projects over 90,000 times, and we are expanding our delivery and reach year on year.
Africa is a diverse and multifaceted continent, and yet our template has been proven to achieve effective impact across different regions, cultures and contexts. The repeated success of our projects across different countries can be attributed to the simple and universal principles of inclusion, and the power of play. Our projects are cost effective and straightforward to deliver in the absence of specialists.
Building on the success of these projects, our DA 2029 strategy outlines our ambitious plans to double our output by the end of 2029.