Join our Movement for Inclusion


Inclusion is the simple idea around which Disability Africa was founded. Our mission is to bring about an inclusive world that benefits everyone, everywhere.

Our strategy is to deliver practical programmes to improve outcomes and achieve inclusion for disabled children in African countries. In doing so we are including some of the world’s most disenfranchised and disadvantaged people. If a community can take the steps to include them, then by default it has taken the steps to include everybody.

We are modelling a template for inclusion of the most disenfranchised as a practical way to create inclusion for everyone - to create inclusion not just for disabled children in Africa but for all minorities everywhere and for the benefit of everyone.

Inclusion can only be realised by changing attitudes. We need people to think about it, to talk about it, to share the idea and challenge ideas that oppose it. Inclusion needs a movement.

If you would like to be part of a more inclusive world, we invite you to join us and become part of our Movement for Inclusion